Pick up a bottle or two, add a chunk of Spanish cheese and dig out the music of your youth.
They enjoy the music of their youth, but it's not a need.
The heroic music of his youth fits squarely with the fantasy life of the bourgeoisie, for whom real heroism is simply unavailable.
He'd much rather listen to music of his youth, of course, or the Koran on tape or CD.
Suddenly, the song is by Elvis, and the dance floor erupts with couples dancing to the music of their youth.
For its lyrics, the names of classic rock artists, songs or albums are dropped as a subtle tribute to the music of the band's youth.
"It was the music of our youth, of our heart."
Now, finally, a generation has come to maturity whose members seem connected to the music of their youth in as natural a way as Haydn was to his.
I worried how I would explain it to Simon when the time came to discuss the music of my youth.
The songs are produced with the philosophy that the music of their youth is uplifting to people in their age group: the "baby boomers."