Aside from violin performance, his perfect pitch led to a rapid advance in music reading and writing.
Eye movement in music reading is the scanning of a musical score by a musician's eyes.
Fixations comprise about 90% of music reading time, typically averaging 250-400 ms in duration.
Despite some 30 studies in this area over the past 70 years, little is known about the underlying patterns of eye movement in music reading.
Not until recently has eye movement in music reading been investigated with more satisfactory equipment.
Peripheral input in music reading was a particular focus of Truitt et al. (1997).
At least eight studies into eye movement in music reading have investigated analogous issues.
York R (1952) An experimental study of vocal music reading using eye movement photography and voice recording.
How did he find time to record any music reading 2 books a day?
Land's group in Sussex is now mainly concerned with the role of eye movement in human activities such as driving, music reading and ball games.