At these lower levels, language and music have shared pathways, Dr. Bharucha said.
But the music also shares elements of Minimalism, with intricate patterns that are nothing like conventional funk.
In recent years, the entertainment industry has characterized defeating Napster and other such music sharing services as essential to its own success.
They both enjoyed the same films, music and both shared an interest in electronics.
This new music shared more with salsa than the Cuban music of the previous decade.
The music shared an impetuous, fitful quality, with meters that change often and suddenly.
They abandoned this technique with the album, where both music and lyrics shared a dreamy, Borgesian quality.
Maybe this is stretching an already flimsy metaphor, but music, architecture and cities do share one striking characteristic.
But Respighi's music should share the honors.
Yet music and film have always shared a deep connection within Colburn's work.