All eyes turn as the music swells and the couple sweep onto the floor.
The orchestral music swells; kettle drums signal an epiphany.
I stepped out into the cool muggy night, stuck a Lucky in my mouth, and heard imaginary music swell in the background.
"The roof has completely caved in on us," a woman cries as chilling music swells, only to be told that rescuers cannot come out during the storm.
As slow music swells, the camera closes in on his face.
"Farewell, friends," says Xallibos as the theme music swells.
You can almost hear the music swell as the museum director wipes a tear of gratitude from his eye.
As the music swells and begins to climax Tedder races through the city, enters a building and climbs a winding staircase to the top.
The organ music swells and a figure strides from the wings.
If the music swells and pauses briefly, then a dance step that rises and stretches is put into that place.