Reggae music thumped loud enough to be heard from the driveway.
Loud music thumped from many of the apartment windows.
The music thumped on and on, as if the dancers thought it meet to drown out the very drunkenness of their Masters.
At 1:30 a.m., when Weah left, the music was still thumping.
The music was little and tiny and thumping on her brain, kind of like a fish splashing in a tiny pool, trying to get bigger.
The music was thumping away.
And yes, the music thumps along with absolutely no subtlety.
A block away, music thumped and screeched, voices rang; here in the deserted square it was silent.
The music was still thumping out of the radiogram.
Inside, the lighting is a moody chiaroscuro, and the music thumps at such high volume that you have to shout to be heard.