Davis began his musical apprenticeship under Seymour Rosenfeld, who was the leading trumpet player with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
After his musical apprenticeship and maturation, as a member of this or that bluegrass band, Douglas struck out on his own.
Then he had a musical apprenticeship with Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer.
Sizzla began to develop his own style whilst serving his musical apprenticeship with the Caveman Hi-Fi sound system.
This "extremely individual and personal idiom" was, however, the product of a long musical apprenticeship, during which the composer absorbed many influences.
Her parents considered music the finest art there was, and emphasized the musical apprenticeship of their daughters.
At 15 he chose an academic education over the expected musical apprenticeship.
Mr. Washington spent his musical apprenticeship on the rhythm-and-blues circuit, working with bands and organ trios.
His musical apprenticeship was generally untutored and he found himself playing the piano during the Second World War for free beer.
After completing a diploma in graphic design, he moved to London, where his musical apprenticeship included a range of styles such as reggae, calypso and funk.