EVERY August, this column takes advantage of the rapidly waning summer season to look ahead to musical attractions and opportunities in the fall.
If warm-weather excursions have put a dent in your wallet, take advantage of some of the many free musical attractions in the area.
Ashwin learnt from this experience and started to tune in to this new sense of expressive musical attraction.
These and nearly three dozen other musical attractions are on the 1995-96 agenda of the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College.
Not that the musical attractions are not sufficient.
Two chamber recitals are among this afternoon's other musical attractions.
Today Pelourinho, located at the heart of the city's historical center, is a big open-air shopping mall that offers numerous artistic and musical attractions.
Glimmerglass Opera remains the principal musical attraction in this town, which is otherwise known for its baseball connections and beautiful scenery.
Among other musical attractions are four hours of "Just Jazz."
I found that the Intourist sevice desk at my hotel posted lists of over 30 state-supported theaters presenting musical and dramatic attractions on a daily basis.