Stravinsky is commonly depicted as an aloof, ascetic mind who first experimented with radical techniques, then issued musical commentaries on the past.
She wanders through the audience during intermission weaving her interactions into a real-time, ad-lib musical commentary.
He also did live composition for a musical commentary on the Step Brothers DVD.
As he did in the Second Symphony, Schnittke simultaneously gives a detailed musical commentary on what is being portrayed.
Essentially, he has written a musical commentary on the different aspects of Gatsby's elusive character.
And the 18th-century composer Baldassare Galuppi, fussing at the harpsichord, provides a continuous witty musical commentary.
And the conductor will continue to face his audiences with light antics and serious musical commentary.
Instead of musical commentary on Crosby's voice, the arrangements, or biographical background of any sort, there is camp.
The songs that make up the soundtrack were carefully selected to form a "musical commentary" within the film.
According to Holman, it is presumed that at the time they would listen to Biber's musical commentary to accompany this ritual of meditation .