Ives also experimented with quoting famous musical excerpts in different keys from the main theme.
The latest successful spinoff is a soundtrack album, which includes 28 musical excerpts from the series.
Episodic memory of musical information involves the ability to recall the former context associated with a musical excerpt.
When target words were preceded by musical excerpts, 80% of the targets were categorized correctly.
In one study, half of participants were played twelve random musical excerpts one time, and rated their emotions after each piece.
Both groups were required to categorize musical excerpts that conveyed similar emotions.
Analyzing the opera being performed that day, he spoke and played the piano, illustrating his comments with musical excerpts.
Recorded 20 November 1965; 33 minutes 18 seconds; musical excerpts without chorus and dialogue.
A musical excerpt from the show will be performed elsewhere in the country.
Slides of her beautiful grandmother anchor the viewer in historical reality, as do touching musical excerpts connected with the woman.