Each episode concluded with a musical finale and a cascade of balloons from the ceiling, matched to the colors of the sets and costumes.
After some modest character development and a collage-like dream sequence there is a tongue-in-cheek choreographed musical finale while nuclear war begins.
Bhamra led the musical finale of the Liberty Festival in Trafalgar Square on 5 September 2009.
If the absence of Brahms's musical finale made the dance end abruptly, "A Brahms Symphony" was pleasant nonetheless.
In the musical finale, he is happily reunited with Cathy.
The evening will culminate in a torch procession to a musical finale and sing-along in front of the Old Town Hall just minutes before midnight.
This episode and the prior one were shot in parallel for several days until "Asian F" finished filming its musical finale on September 16, 2011.
A musical finale was provided by the choir of Newcastle Royal Grammar School.
As the rockets reentered the loading station, a brief musical finale concluded the experience with a soft, synthesized rendition of "Aquarium."
The piece concludes with a fast-paced musical finale designed to showcase the ability of the orchestra to change in mood and style.