These were among the first of what would be many notable associations with musical greats including Eric Clapton and David Gilmour.
"Barbra Streisand" joins a select group of recent hits whose titles are the names of musical greats.
Photos of musical greats hang on the walls, and a stage hosting live jazz, blues and poetry readings takes up half the small room.
The hotel is happy to provide a list of musical greats in addition to Mr. Martinelli who have stayed there while performing in New York.
Despite his youth at just 21 years of age, Mathis' versions compare favourably with those recorded by these musical greats.
So slip into relax mode, friend, take a drag and pour a stiff one, lay back and soak up one of Australia's very real musical greats.
The Chateau Club on Wall Street hosted some musical greats in the early seventies.
As a child he had been admitted to Moscow's Central Music School, the training ground for future Russian musical greats.
He could honor boxers and musical greats, like Parker and Dizzy Gillespie.
Inspired by many preceding musical greats, Wyatt found herself performing with various girl groups as a teen.