Nothing illustrates more clearly the malleability of musical meaning.
Sometimes, the special musical meanings of these phrases differ from the original or current Italian meanings.
In the 20th century, salsa acquired a musical meaning in both English and Spanish.
Most music theorists posit at least four different aspects of musical meaning:
Mathematical abstraction though each row may be, some rows do have a musical or melodic meaning to the listener.
This is different from a disembodied approach to music cognition, which sees musical meaning as being based on a perception-based analysis of musical structure.
Its musical meaning varies widely but is never associated with a pipe organ or mouth organ.
Li Dinê has revived the phrase and given it a musical meaning.
Doesn't a cumulation of concrete extramusical associations overburden a piece and crowd out musical meaning?
If we had any precise idea what musical meaning consisted of, an answer might be possible.