His acoustic driven melodies combined with his versatile and dynamic voice, provide an unparalleled experience that immerses listeners in musical originality.
The musical originality of jazz did not consist of pushing Western harmonic idioms ever further into anarchy and abstraction.
The unprecedented novelty and musical originality of such a self-generated composition might have been Bach's main intention.
And according to their degree of musical originality and proficiency will be their standing in the eternal life.
Mr. Farlow's musical originality was a reflection of his life.
In spite of the purported lack of musical originality on the part of the Romans, they did enjoy music greatly and used it for many activities.
In 2003 she released her 3rd album, Estampado which showed her musical originality.
W Map Locals bill it as a 'hidden place for open ideas, ' while outsiders are bowled over by its musical originality and artistic innovation.
Many composers with greater musical originality could learn from Mr. Picker's know-how about the theater.
Playing a mix of reggae, ska and a Caribbean folk idiom called mento, they are noted for musical originality, and funny, double-entendre lyrics.