Sona Family is a London-based musical quartet.
The Ventures are an instrumental musical quartet founded in Tacoma, Washington, in 1958.
But it will culminate in an appearance onstage by Mr. Lott and a performance of the musical quartet to which he belongs, the Singing Senators.
The remaining members continued as a more serious musical quartet under the name Supersister.
At the far end of the room a musical quartet struck up some kind of tinkling dance music.
The Mandolinquents (also known as Simon Mayor's Mandolinquents) is a British musical quartet.
The live accompaniment includes some fine standards and pieces, composed by members of the musical quartet, that sound almost impossible not to dance to.
He and David belonged to a musical quartet that performed in small clubs in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
With the notable exception of vocal and musical quartets, groups of four tend not to last very long.
In a musical quartet each participant's part is different and essential.