The lecture halls are also used for musical recitals and performances.
The main Common Room frequently hosts extracurricular activities and musical recitals.
It has 35 bedrooms and incorporates a huge salon for musical recitals.
It offers many programs and events to the public, including lectures, movies, plays and musical recitals.
Alone, or in groups of 2-3 members, students are responsible for mounting a full musical recital, including rehearsals, staging, lighting, and publicity.
The hall was used for musical recitals, lectures and political meetings.
The ancient art of citywide musical recitals also still is very much alive.
Romans held poetry readings and musical recitals in the smaller, adjacent odéon.
Classical musical recitals are occasionally put on at Hopetoun House.
He regretted missing so many soccer and little league games, musical recitals, and school plays.