From his early years he frequented her musical salon, where composers such as Olivier Messiaen and performers gathered.
Sonnleithner led from 1815 to 1824 a musical salon, where many songs were premiered by Franz Schubert.
As a widow in the 1730s, Ziegler turned her family home into a literary and musical salon.
Rzhevsky's house was a literary and musical salon, where St Petersburg intellectuals gathered.
The Lakeville home was musical salon for friends and colleagues, even long after Ms. Landowska's death.
The Körner household in Dresden ... became a literary and musical salon.
Nor do things improve when she tries to describe Maria Fyodorovna's literary and musical salon.
His home was a literary and musical salon, and he was a friend of Friedrich Schiller.
At that time he began to hold a musical salon and also began collecting instruments in his home on the rue Papacino :
I certainly hadn't heard any at the musical salons I attended.