The first Beatles Christmas fan-club disc to be recorded separately, the 1968 offering is a collage of odd noises, musical snippets, and individual messages.
Those musical snippets or "buttons" was the starting point for the creation of All Songs Considered.
There are many references to other musical snippets, including a trombone playing a blues scale and the trumpet section playing the fanfare before a race begins.
Directed by Shane Drake, the film was released on March 9, 2011 and contains several musical snippets from the record.
A larger problem is the brevity of the musical snippets, necessitating a beaded necklace of ballet bits.
For the album, we simply recorded all the musical snippets, and then figured out key and tempo changes that would link the sections together".
Sixteen programs and, by my count, 59 pianists have offered interviews, musical snippets, sometimes complete pieces, even complete sonatas or concertos.
Choices are also made with timing in mind; extra movements or an extra unannounced musical snippet at the end of the show are added if a show runs short.
Composer's website: contains biographical and career details as well as musical snippets.
Time constraints militate in favor of musical snippets rather than uninterrupted performances.