Form is a facet of music theory that explores the concept of musical syntax, on a local and global level.
But all these improvisers are fundamentally alike and each one has developed a distinctive musical syntax, a personal dialect of the language we call jazz.
Jazz is not unique because it emphasizes improvisation, nor because theme and variation are unified by a common musical syntax.
His playing was assured and coherent, even in a free-form context; he understood how to combine elements of musical syntax to structure and improvise performance.
Analysing key structure in context of musical syntax means to examine the relationship between keys in a piece of music.
Nevertheless it has to be emphasized, that musical syntax is not a simple variant of linguistic syntax, but a similar complex system with its own substance.
Investigating the neuronal processing of musical syntax can serve two interesting aspects.
There are different possibilities in neuroscience to approach to an answer to the question of an overlap between the neuronal processing of linguistic and musical syntax.
Music can't do this, so Mr. Swain explains musical syntax as tension and release.
It has been shown that Broca's area is involved in the processing of musical syntax.