In musical terminology, tempo (Italian for time, plural: tempi) is the speed or pace of a given piece.
The company name is derived from musical terminology, as well as 5 elements of game design - planning, graphics, sound, programmers and producers.
The lyrics to the song are all puns for musical terminology.
The call sign refers to musical terminology, specifically the word clef.
Learn musical terminology with this guide to the meanings of different musical terms from adagio to woodwind.
The site includes a glossary of musical terminology, as well as information on composers, instruments, and more.
In musical terminology, the minor scale that results is called the Dorian mode.
But it is hard to write intelligently about jazz without at least occasionally using some musical terminology, and Gioia's book does not have a glossary.
In dancing, the term has two meanings: The first one is similar to the musical terminology.
The sonata's name comes from Beethoven's later practice of using German rather than Italian words for musical terminology.