He took that on, including adding musical touches to significant scenes, one of which conductor Leopold Stokowski called "a stroke of genius."
As the films declined in quality, those animated title sequences - along with Mancini's classy, witty musical touch - became their most memorable moments.
It is this special musical touch in his tracks in which he includes different rhythms and musical instruments that make his tracks something hard to believe.
But Mr. Rorem's gentle musical touch prevents the work from sinking into a Freudian morass.
A requisite group of Christmas carols had some surprising musical touches.
And Hole 9 finishes things off with a wacky musical touch as your ball clangs off pots and across xylophones.
Mr. Kamen is adding his own musical touch to "Party at the Palace," as the concert is called, by again mixing rock and classical instruments.
There are playfully modern musical touches, though, like the perky rhythms and jazzy chords spiked with bits of atonality.
Traditionally the participation of an artist or band in the celebration of the feast is customary to bring it to life and give a musical touch.
Film Journal International also reviewed the film, praising Walker's directing and the use of musical and artistic touches.