Young people, he says, are better trained musically and have a greater knowledge of instrumentation.
I can't explain why I started plunking out tunes on a toy piano when no one in my family was musically trained.
He was musically trained at the academy of art in Zurich, where he and others also learned how to use the computer for composing music.
He had two groups of adults, one group whom were musically trained and another group who were not.
Musically trained in Russia, he is best known for his westerns, "where his expansive, muscular style had its greatest impact."
He sang in the chorus and glee club as a student at Harvard and made sure his two children were musically trained.
Since he has also been musically trained, Naharin sometimes collaborates on the compositions used in his pieces.
He had ideas, sure, but not being musically trained, he didn't go round to each person and say, 'Play this, play that.'
As a teenager, she was musically trained by Rafig Babayev.
Nick Berry was musically trained, having attended London stage schools.