If musicians own these copyrights, licensing can be exceptionally lucrative.
Opinion is divided on iTunes, but every musician I know owns at least one Mac and wouldn't dream of using any other computer for programming or recording.
Even if a musician owned a large assortment of vintage tube gear, keeping the equipment in top shape and transporting it from gig to gig is nobody's idea of fun.
Though every musician in the band owned equal shares of the big house along with Bill Thompson, Paul was turning out to be more equal than anybody else.
Manet enjoyed a close friendship with composer Emmanuel Chabrier, painting two portraits of him; the musician owned 14 of Manet's paintings and dedicated his Impromptu to Manet's wife.
The results would inspire Williams to state that every musician should own their own workstation in order to take full control of their own music.
Another problem is that musicians do not often own the publishing rights to their songs, said Kevon Glickman, who runs Respect Management, which represents mostly R&B and hip-hop artists.
John Lennon, musician and composer Lennon owned five apartments in the Dakota.
A group of music students founded the orchestra in 1980 in Frankfurt, initially as an ensemble which the musicians own solely and without a conductor.
Earlier, a musician typically owned a few trusty axes for his or her lifetime.