The best musicians there spend a good portion of their year traveling or living abroad, being influenced by their travels.
But it is not the shell where musicians spent summer evenings helping their audiences forget economic depression or world war.
More than one musician has spent time at Westwind.
The two musicians spent a week together in the studio recording three tracks for their first collaboration.
The foundation's awards are an annual reminder that most musicians don't spend their careers playing big theaters and arenas.
The musicians had spent all their fine frenzy by now, and played only one tune, wearily, ploddingly.
But how do these musicians spend their days?
Most young musicians who begin their careers in that way spend honorable lives redefining the concept of monotony.
These are like secret codes and, in later years, musicians have spent a lot of time trying to work out what Berg was trying to do.
The three musicians spent two years writing songs that would later become their debut album Stomp Revival.