To that end the police invited neighbors and local leaders into the muster room of the 33d Precinct station house for briefings about the shooting.
It was even hotter upstairs than it had been in the muster room, perhaps because the window units here were older than the ones below.
"We put four in a cage, and we've got to put the other four in the muster room."
The meeting dispersed in silence; the muster room emptied.
I said as we arrived at the mesh-windowed door of the muster room.
The incident occurred in the muster room of the 45th Precinct station house shortly after roll call for the 4 p.m. tour, the official said.
"We've had a lot of shots fired, so be careful out there," Captain Martin warned the 41 overtime officers in the muster room.
I saw Lee Blanchard leave the muster room by a side exit.
Captain Jack's voice came over the intercom: "Gentlemen, everybody to the muster room.