He feared years of being locked in musty, dim libraries for an all-too-modest salary.
Kelemvor had battled his father here, in the musty library.
The man bowed silently as the elf walked out of the darkness of the musty library and into the light of day.
It feels suspended in time, with rocking chairs sitting dormant on a covered porch and untouched books lining the shelves of the musty library.
They include photographs and documents, like the slave's letter, that at one time were confined to musty libraries, perhaps many miles from the inquirer.
First glance was a little disappointing, for the nearest hall was a rather musty library of no great size.
Just pale, shiny bone in a box in a dark, musty library where the shelves of old books reached up into shadow.
In her house, he finds a musty library - it would have to be musty!
Twenty minutes later Tasslehoff arrived at another barred window, this one looking into a musty library lit by candles on a tabletop.
He stood and slipped from the musty library, closing the door quietly, and turning back down the corridor that would lead him back toward the stable.