Members of the coronavirus family are known to mutate frequently, so the SARS virus may gradually change its genetic makeup as it moves through successive waves of infection among humans.
The grape vine is an extremely variable species and some varieties, such as Pinot, mutate particularly frequently.
First, flu viruses mutate frequently; a particular vaccine may match the field virus for just a few months, after which it will be less effective.
Because of this, highly variable noncoding DNA, such as Microsatellites, that mutate frequently, provide genetic markers with sufficient intraspecific variation to document domestication.
The findings of their study propose that the most frequently mutated arginine codons associated with EEC are 204, 227, 279, 280, and 304, with these five amino acid mutations accounting for 75% of all reported cases of EEC syndrome.
Will the influenza virus, which frequently mutates, produce another epidemic to rival the one that killed 20 million people in 1918-19?
Choosing resistant roses is always wise, but there are many strains of the fungus, and it mutates frequently.
Vaccination is a possibility, but suffers from the same problems that human vaccines do: the vaccines only cover a limited number of strains, and the virus will frequently mutate to a form that is no longer recognized.
The virus mutates easily and frequently, so it could change just enough to flourish under the artificial conditions.
While some loci seem to mutate slowly, other loci appear to mutate frequently, enhancing the discriminatory power of technique.