The exact mutation is only known for some cases of ichthyosis vulgaris.
Relatively few such mutations are known, which suggests that the gene is involved in processes critical to survival.
Clark and Coats rightly state that this 'can have value in reassuring unaffected members of families where the mutation is known.'
No mutations of the tyrosinase or C gene are known in horses.
Several mutations are known to cause loss of function in WNT4.
Multiple mutations are known: the current (2007) total is 79.
More than 20 mutations in the gene are known to date.
These merozygotes help to study dominance variation and mutation can be known.
These mutations are known to produce (D)-2-hydroxyglutarate from alpha-ketoglutarate.
The mutation reappeared in 1985 and was also known as the Wirehair Rex.