The movie is also a muted celebration of family ties.
Adorned with red, silver and blue globes that local students decorated, it is now filling multiple roles as a pilgrimage point of muted celebration, grief and remembrance.
There is no chance George Steinbrenner would participate in even a muted celebration, however.
"I guess it's kind of strange," Clemens said of the muted celebration.
His muted celebrations told the real story.
It's a muted celebration.
Unlike his no-hit defeat at Chicago on July 1, which led to the strange, muted celebration afterward, Hawkins (2-8) benefited from some offense.
In hindsight, it was clear to see why Mackay's arrival was greeted with muted celebration.
Some players stood on the fringes, wallflowers to the muted celebration that lasted about 15 minutes.
Two years ago, having coaxed the company back from its latest dance at the financial precipice, Mr. Keene inaugurated a muted celebration of its 50th anniversary.