The subsequent deterioration in the credit markets, however, has somewhat muted criticism of the agency.
Transit advocates expressed muted criticism of the deal, aware that it is hardly unique.
Senator Moynihan's bills have provoked more muted criticism in Albany.
Instead, Pentagon officials who are never named get muted criticism for issuing confusing memos and not monitoring things closely enough.
There are, however, specific criticisms of the 54-year-old prosecutor, most of them muted now that she has been nominated to be the nation's top legal official.
Local media, especially the Chinese-language press, have already muted criticism of China without being asked.
Such muted criticism comes at a time when Japan's economic ties with its Asian neighbors are greatly expanding.
As supporters and opponents spilled out of the room, the 16-member committee unanimously passed the smoking bill after only muted criticism from several senators.
Occasional muted criticisms of his methods and character had generally failed to penetrate the public's consciousness.
Abandoning his usual muted criticism, he finally lost what was left of his temper.