The string's muted strains conjure wistful signs that bridge the schism between crass sentimentality and callous detachment.
From the open stairwell she could hear the strains of conversation as the guests arrived and the muted strains of the minstrels playing in the ballroom.
There was a muted strain of trumpets.
Hidden from view, her presence further disguised by the muted strains of a minuet issuing from the ballroom above, Sabrina scarcely dared breathe.
The muted strains of classical music could be heard through the closed door.
She could hardly request Tim Kendal to conjure up from somewhere the muted strains of the "Blue Danube".
An accordion player moved through the crowd, muted strains of Bavarian music coming from his instrument.
And yet some reviewers have reacted to the tone of his writing (nobody, after all, can question his expertise): there's been a muted strain of disapproval.
The muted strains of dance music from the main salon wafted through the afterdeck lounge.