The porter pointed to the tap of the electric-light and began a muttered apology, but Gabriel cut him short.
Horvath apparently did not, from the look of disgust and the muttered apologies as they entered the cabin.
With a muttered apology, Nikki drew back, his face sullen.
With a muttered apology, Elaeno slipped in, shutting the door softly behind him.
"Please go," I said, sobbing uncontrollably, and he did, with a muttered apology.
She brushed past him with a muttered apology, hardly noticing him.
There came a muttered apology, a scuffling of feet.
She stalked out, giving Slade time for only a muttered apology before he followed after her.
He scooped it up quickly with muttered apologies to the passenger behind him and to Deborah.
Presently he rose, and with a muttered apology left the room, to return five minutes later carrying a small bottle carefully in his hand.