And yet there was truly an innocence to things that would appal the prudes: a journey of mutual discovery in those trembling shared acts, touches, partial undressings.
Consequent to their mutual discoveries, Maurey becomes pregnant.
The foothill of red-grained rock formed an additional barrier to mutual discovery.
Staring at the hole, Ad and Science gained enlightenment, but felt no pride in their mutual discovery.
The exhilarated mutual discovery of the honeymoon period between Buddhism and America has given way, you could say, to the more rigorous pressures of a longtime relationship.
This is romance, but the reality from which it springs is that the British and Russian Empires are now engaged in mutual discovery.
It's one of peace, exploration, and mutual discovery.
He and his new bride kept such fascinating secrets from each other, and the process of mutual discovery was proving most enjoyable.
The day of mutual discovery ended with wonder on both sides, but no clear answers.
It aims at boosting the visibility and diffusion of such initiatives, and building a network among related initiatives/collectives, allowing mutual discovery.