This context assumes that there are mutual expectations between individuals who are members of a group.
With sympathetic support and appropriate mutual expectations, the vast majority will move on constructively.
"We're trying to be based on a little more - I don't want to use the word 'trust' - but based on mutual expectation."
A social role thus involves mutual expectations.
Besides, he'd long ago sensed Gary's discomfort with their mutual expectation of marriage.
These are best attained through formal education and are bound up with the mutual expectations and obligations of parents and children.
However, the contract states that "it is the mutual expectation of the parties that each project will be approved by the Postal Service."
Roles give us mutual expectations of what is either correct or good behavior.
Good working relationships stem from equally positive, mutual expectations between teachers and students.
During the meeting, we didn't overplay our mutual expectations and we felt we could trust each other.