They would retain their memories of their mutual experience, and that was a partial good.
You share a mutual experience with other adopted children and you feel a kinship.
The coupling in the night had been a mutual experience, but morning had reduced it to something without savor.
The Centre is a forum where countries come to share their mutual experience of economic and social development policies.
For a moment they lay entwined, drained, shattered by the violence of their mutual experience.
Derec had helped restore those links by providing clues from their mutual experiences.
"It was nice for the elders and the young people to recognize their mutual experience."
Both teams did have the mutual experience of a calm, and some would even say boring, spring.
Although they are all separated, Coleridge connects to his distant friends by their mutual experience and appreciation of nature.
It's a friendship, it's professional, but the bonds of mutual experience aren't there outside the clan.