The Accord also included a mutual pledge to support a global ban on CW.
It contained a mutual pledge of neutrality and a secret agreement to divide Poland.
It was renamed in 1994 to incorporate the word "Solidarity" following a mutual pledge of support between the party and the conservative advocacy group, Family Solidarity.
We melted into the parking lot with mutual pledges: Do ask.
But the effort foundered on China's insistence that detargeting be coupled with a mutual pledge of no first use of nuclear weapons in any crisis.
He glanced at Kent, two strong men making a mutual pledge, a loyalty that was unquestioned.
From this point on, the band made a mutual pledge to use their past industry experience to their advantage.
South Korea's experiment in laser enrichment appears to violate a North-South declaration that included a mutual pledge not to reprocess nuclear fuel or enrich uranium.
On Cherry's death due to illness while she was away, he married Bouyer's widow Mary, in honor of a mutual pledge to look after each other's family.
And on the night of July 17th, 1980, we left with a mutual pledge to conduct a national crusade to make America great again.