Hurt feelings and mutual resentment had been the only result.
After establishing this foundation of mutual resentment, the Democrats focused mostly on Mr. Sutton.
I'd been worried that there might be some mutual resentment between Jerry and Danny but they couldn't have been easier with each other.
Listening to 2 Beats Behind those generalizations lies a history of mutual resentment, misperception, mistrust and in some cases plain old envy.
You don't run up a backlog of mutual resentment when forgiveness is present.
If there was a fire of mutual resentment between them, why add fuel?
But the mutual resentments would play a role in what followed.
The surviving correspondence between the Davises from this period expresses their difficulties and mutual resentments.
We had all taken our best shots, and now we were merely stoking our mutual resentments.
On several occasions Charlotte detected a frisson of mutual resentment between the two, though for the most part they functioned adequately as a partnership.