This kind of regime involving broad mutual restraints in the military field would be the opposite of a superpower condominium.
The mutual restraint imposed by the Treaty reduced the explosive force of new nuclear warheads and bombs which could otherwise be tested for weapons systems.
These have been predicated on basic religious principles, respect for international law, and alliances that resulted in wise decisions and mutual restraint.
For instance: *The Senate operates best "by accommodation, by respect for one another, by mutual restraint."
Such relationships will thrive only if politicians and artists display mutual restraint.
Despite the renewed communications and signs of mutual restraint, distrust remains acute.
In recent weeks, we've urged mutual restraint, nonviolence, and dialogue; instead, there has been a violent and bloody attack on the demonstrators.
It stresses continuity and stability in a system of mutual restraint by both business and labor, enhancing the attractiveness of Mexico as an emerging market.
Geary is undoubtedly correct to highlight the mutual restraint shown by the police and pickets at Saltley.
The war years (1914-18) were marked by attitudes of mutual restraint and government intervention on behalf of the military effort.