Under a similar societal background between volunteers and the activities participants, a friendly relationship is formed by mutually sharing their own experience.
This is done by mutually sharing three pairs of electrons between the two carbon atoms to form a triple bond.
The treaty was unique in that it did not take away the rights of the Penateka Comanche, but was an agreement that the Comanche and settlers would mutually share the land, co-existing in peace and friendship.
When we move from a vision of Paolo and Francesca, mutually sharing their sin and fate, to the Wrathful who furiously lust to inflict pain on each other, we see the instability and the repulsiveness of the decline into sin.
Although Indian migration to Oman is apparently for the purpose of spreading their commercial activities and mutually sharing the profits, their mutual good relations are believed to have existed as early as the 7th century.
This approach is necessary to coordinate long-range planning to preserve and replenish our water supply, refurbish our sewerage systems, regulate traffic patterns and address ourselves to a host of other problems that contribute to the overall quality of a life we mutually share.
Betty and Henry appear to mutually share an attraction, and they seem to be heading towards a relationship.
A young police officer named Khalid (Omar Sharif) falls in love with Nawal, who mutually shares the love.
Gerald and Sheila have been referred to as Polish Jews, and they mutually share a strong devotion to their Jewish religion, while expressing deep concern during the multiple times Kyle's faith in Judaism becomes enervated.
"We said, 'we're willing to support your vision, but we need to mutually share the risk,"' Ms. Kohler said.