We are sick to death of mysterious Alien races who think they know better than us!
For some strange reason he had developed an inexplicable affection for this mysterious race.
The ven were created by a mysterious race they call "the sorcerer-kings."
They were a mysterious race to all but the Vorlons - who were their mentors.
The child was rescued by a mysterious local race of super-intelligent Condors which took in and raised the boy.
It is populated by a mysterious and advanced race that has a variety of names, but are generally known as the Prometheans.
Wolfbloods are a mysterious race who have lived among us for centuries.
The Zikonians are a mysterious race about whom not much is known.
These islands were created by a mysterious race known only as the Ancients.
The player takes the control of the human side in a war against the mysterious Insignian race.