Five of the Doctor's former companions find themselves suddenly scooped up out of their quiet lives and brought to a mysterious realm.
"Orpheus" takes place in its own mysterious realm.
Today he uses the technology to enhance and interpret the mysterious realms of nature and history, mixing the virtual with the real, so to speak.
Ms. Clarke's fertile imagination takes her readers to many a mysterious realm.
Travel through the remarkable worlds of King's Quest 8, from a dark underground land to a mysterious realm in the clouds.
In this "mysterious realm," as Priestley puts it, there is no place in which to discover any final meaning of space and time.
They separated and returned to each other and, together, conveyed a sense of life in some mysterious realm.
And the Camel pack was leading her into the mysterious realm of the pyramids.
But why were they all piled here at the very edge of the staggering precipice, overlooking the mysterious realm below?
The choreography certainly implies that the heroine is exploring some mysterious realm.