Rao's replacement in the king's army, Are's father died during the raid against the mysterious weapon.
The great numbers of his army, and his strange and mysterious weapons.
You know the secret of that mysterious weapon or power, Zarth.
He's the one who put together the hunt for Hannibal's mysterious weapon.
In the series, Syphon Filter is the name given to the mysterious biological weapon.
The sunlight came streaming into the cell as, with a great sigh of relief, Danstor put his mysterious weapon away.
The ship is attacked by a mysterious weapon which drives the crew insane causing them to kill each other.
Would some mysterious weapon simply blast us out of the sky?
Urtho had that mysterious weapon, and in any case, there was nothing for Skan to do until he healed.
The authorities are entirely confident that a complete defense against the no longer mysterious weapon will be found.