The one person who remains mysteriously missing from this vivid picture is Richardson himself.
Tracking down the true owner can be impossible if the authorities have been bribed - or the original papers are mysteriously missing.
And yet captives go mysteriously missing in the night.
Roy Wallace, his business partner, was mysteriously missing here in New York.
More significant is the issue of a paintbrush mysteriously missing from the figure representing painting.
It is a movie about a period that has up to now been mysteriously missing from the screen.
Old friends, wonton and hot and sour, are in place, but egg drop is mysteriously missing.
If he and Pollock were lucky, the van wouldn't be found and the men would simply be considered mysteriously missing.
In recent years, most area police and sheriffs' records of the case were discovered by investigative journalists to be mysteriously missing.
As it happened, several men from the area were mysteriously missing.