Flushed, she wipes her face with a towel, but it mysteriously turns on fire.
The two become intimate, but she is haunted by Chris, and after 9/11 her sadness mysteriously turns pathological.
As she becomes increasingly independent, David mysteriously turns more violent and controlling.
He reasoned his way to explanations that required sinister poisoners, hallucinogenics slipped into his food, conniving employees, a whole world turned mysteriously against him.
To the Editor: I purchased an eMachines 466id tower, which, after five months, began to mysteriously and randomly turn itself on.
Shortly after adopting Bunnicula, the family notices vegetables mysteriously turning white.
However, recalling Suk-Min's warning, she turns around and sees her parents mysteriously killed.
Twice they were rejected when what looked like a two-bedroom to them mysteriously turned into a "legal one-bedroom" after the landlord discovered that the couple had two small children.
The 60's were, after all, a time when many parents believed their children were mysteriously turning into a hostile, alien race.
In the days that followed the Longhorns' victory, the Trinity River in Dallas mysteriously turned a "burnt orange" color.