It was the authors' task to probe the enigmas of the mystery tale.
He specialised in mystery tales that explored hidden motivation and hinted at evil without ever crossing the line into the supernatural.
Nor is Magdalen Nabb your ordinary spinner of mystery tales.
The locales of the mystery tale are often of a mundane variety, requiring little in the way of expensive special effects.
It is a dreamlike mystery, worthy of a fairy tale.
"Outside" begins a new trilogy, an oblique mystery tale about an art-world murder, which is scheduled for completion around 2000.
I told you this isn't a mystery tale, this is ordinary sordid life.
The scientific effort to prove that wallpaper could be lethal is a mystery tale itself, ably told by Emsley.
So, the store presented its fall-winter clothes in a catalogue with an English manor background typical of the classic mystery tale.
These included children having to solve clues and puzzles to forward the story, which took the form of a mystery tale.