His fear now seemed to have some much less mystic and much more practical quality.
It is a mystic quality, a marriage to the land.
There was a mystic quality to the scene.
He makes people believe that he - and to a lesser extent the Harvester - has almost mystic qualities.
Fear of fire has an almost mystic quality to a fighter pilot, for fire leaves him with only two choices, eject or die.
Very often the light is depicted in a silvery white of mystic quality that reminds of Rembrandt.
Ivar, he reads the Bible and has a mystic quality about him.
For Richelieu, the state and the king, with their God-given authority, shared these mystic qualities.
The Annals have a certain mystic quality, for me.
Trusting in the mystic qualities of her dreams, Caramuru told the people to search everywhere around the shores.