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As if there's a mystical dimension we inhabit.
In addition, Sufism, the mystical dimension of Islam, also has a presence.
It enabled the mystical dimensions of Judaism to be articulated in a form that was accessible for the first time to the whole Jewish community.
In Shi'ism, the spiritual experience of kashf is treated as a theological rather than purely mystical dimension.
To her mind this captured some of the mystical dimension of human existence.
Peering through the lattices: mystical, magical, and pietistic dimensions in the Tosafist period.
The mystical dimension of Judaism became accessible and tangible to the whole community.
Shaykh Ahmad's teachings were both controversial and complicated, but they emphasised the mystical dimension of faith.
This work adds another mystical and resonant dimension to the exhibition.
The mystical dimension is given the author's tacit approval when she allows the principal characters to escape the dystopian reality by passing through the wall.