At the same time, it is not alone in the field: there are alternative mystical explanations of misfortune.
"If mystical explanations are ruled out, then it seems that glossolalia comes from structures buried deep within the brain, common to all people."
The mystical explanation is that the players have pulled together during these tough times.
The causes of Miss Pankhurst's cheerfulness require no mystical explanations.
There are no mystical, metaphysical explanations, hidden treatment, or magic.
"You want the mystical, magical explanation or the most likely one?"
Since the ordination of women has happened lets submit to the idea that all is as God wills so there must be a wonderful mystical explanation.
The writers of the Middle Ages have sought for other mystical explanations of the Hour of None.
Their findings caused considerable debate on the history and meaning of such sites, and the earliest depictions reflected a search for a mystical explanation.
It is certainly monumental and impressive, original and memorable, with or without the theoretical and mystical explanation the composer himself gives out.