It began as a mystical order which quickly degenerated into a band of blind, drugged, mentally controlled murderers.
They are noted for their copper and brass reliquary guardian figures, which are part of a powerful religious and mystical order known as Bwete.
But this one particular morning the mystical order of things had been thrown off.
Shia and mystical orders also have less stringent views on aniconism.
Felix wondered if it was the mark of some mystical order.
It was, nevertheless, a private, individual devotion of the mystical order.
- '-fou iss must understand the mystical order that God iss place upon His creations.
She had even seen members of that mystical order in Palul.
He joined both the mystical orders Qadiriyya and Naqshbandi.
The influential and popular mystical orders of the dervish brotherhoods (Tariqa) also were suppressed.