This is due to the insufficient ability of common language to describe the mystical states of consciousness.
We should have a detached preparedness for mystical states and no anxiety for them.
There are however other ways of perception like: reason, intuition, revelation, divine inspiration, religious experience, mystical states, and historical testimony.
These include mystical states and near-death experiences also subject to the psychology of religion.
But in reality there are numerous examples of religious leaders using nakedness to engender mystical states or get closer to God.
The poem can also be interpreted as describing a physical state of being that is neither spiritual nor mystical.
Any higher than the hundredth floor and you enter a mystical state.
The most profound mystical states are ones in which normal mental activity seems suspended in light.
They can therefore serve as symbolic doorways to this mystical state of being (the Void or clear light).
Akashic records are part of a mystical state said to immediately follow accidental death.