Local myths suggests that the name was coined based on the strategic location of the two village.
Various myths suggest that this occurred under circumstances that would not meet the normal criteria for historical fact.
Upward mobility may be harder than American myth would suggest, but on the bright side, there is certainly no difficulty going downward.
Using the words ridiculous and myth suggest an element of bias.
There's enough truth to that idea for it to survive, but never as much social mobility as the myth suggests.
A myth about science suggests that new theories arise when they are necessary to explain new facts.
Another myth suggests that beating the silhouette of the finial will cause water to come forth.
The myth suggests that Pelor would forgive them, if only they would ask.
There is a sensual provocative side that can lead to incestuous relationships as the myth suggests.
The myth suggests that Pelor would forgive them, if they were interested in forgiveness.